Ohiya srilanka


Ohia railway station is a railway station where many tourists visit. Many tourists come here to visit Horton Plains and Bambarakand through Kalupahana. So we left Colombo Fort on the mail train which leaves at 8 pm to go on this trip as arranged He left for Ohia by the night mail train, intending to start his journey from Ohia railway station early the next morning. By 6.00 am, we started the journey after eating and drinking. After walking about 2km on the road above the railway station, we turned right at Thumman Junction, because it was the shortest way to our destination. After going about 1.5 km from there, you should turn to Guru Road which is down on the right side.If you go straight without turning, you can go to Horton Plains. After entering the Guru Road, we were shown by road signs to make it easier for us to travel. It is a bit difficult to travel on this road and the road itself is located in a zigzag pattern.So after walking through these beautiful tea plantations, we were able to reach Yaka's steps at around 10.30 in the morning. It is about 16km from that station to Bambarakanda, but the road is shorter if you go along Yaka's stairs. But as it was marked not to travel along the road that goes through the stairs of the devil, we continued on the other road even though it was far.We cannot imagine how the Tamil people living in the Udaveriya estate down the road manage their transportation.
Our group was especially unaccustomed to trekking, so our journey was leisurely. When we found a scenic spot, we didn't forget to stop and enjoy it and take some photos.While we were going down, in a certain part of the Udaveriya estate, after the bridge, we found a deserted part. In that section, arrows were marked in white at the intersections where the two roads split to identify the right path. We hesitantly passed through them and got lost somewhere near a hollow.I thought that this road called the Devil's Staircase might actually have a stone row like a staircase. But after searching on the internet, it appeared that the Devil's Stairs is a word used by the English to refer to such difficult mountain climbs. Devil's Staircase mountain roads are located in Ireland and New Zealand.So in this way we passed (Devil's Staircase) and reached Lanka Falls and reached Mbarakanda Falls in the middle of a pine forest.. We were thinking of spending that night in a wonderful mountain called Wangedigala.. So when we reached Mbarakanda Falls it was 5.30 in the evening. Anyway, we climbed Wangedigala and asked to stay there for the night.. Fortunately for us, we have to go to Wangedigala on a bridge with old planks falling off.. So we had to turn back and come back because it was already pitch dark at 6:30. ..Went back to Mbarakanda waterfall and pitched the tent there and spent our night.
The next morning, we started walking to Kalupahana junction and when we reached there, the entire journey was only 48 km.
Another day our aim is to climb Wangedigala from Kalupahana..

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